Praise for Unlearning Liberty
Beautifully written and powerfully argued … an essential wake-up call!
Nadine Strossen, former President, ACLU (1991-2008)
Destined to be a classic work on freedom in America.
Donald Downs, University of Wisconsin-Madison
American universities have been described as islands of intolerance in a sea of freedom. Unlearning Liberty is a meticulous and inspiring guide on how to liberate the islands!
Christina Hoff Sommers, author, The War Against Boys
Unlearning Liberty is a must read book for anyone concerned about the constitutional future of our nation.
Nat Hentoff, journalist
Here’s a book full of sunlight—the best disinfectant for campus censorship
Jonathan Rauch, Brookings Institution
Lukianoff is an engaging exposer of the shocking repression of free speech on campus, combining good storytelling with clear principles and a serious purpose with a light touch.
Steven Pinker, Harvard University
Freedom From Speech

Do people really want
Free Speech
In Freedom From Speech, author and First Amendment lawyer Greg Lukianoff offers a troubling and provocative theory on why we can expect challenges to freedom of speech to grow in the coming decades, both in the United States and abroad. Lukianoff analyzes numerous examples of the growing desire for “intellectual comfort,” such as the rise of speech restrictions around the globe, as well as the increasing media obsession of punishing “offensive” utterances, jokes, and opinions within the United States. To provide a preview of where we may be headed, Lukianoff points to American college campuses, where speakers are routinely disinvited for their opinions, where students increasingly demand “trigger warnings” for classics like The Great Gatsby, and where students are told that they cannot even hand out copies of the Constitution outside of designated “free speech zones.” Lukianoff explains how global populations are increasingly arguing not for freedom of speech, but, rather, freedom from speech.

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