Check out Unlearning Liberty’s beautiful new Facebook landing page. On it, you’ll find all of the most important information about the book, links to purchase yourself a copy from Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and a recent ReasonTV video interview with the author, FIRE president Greg Lukianoff.
The book is not due out until October 23, but already highly favorable reviews are streaming in from those who received advanced copies.
Here’s what Donald Downs, Alexander Meiklejohn Professor of Political Science, Law, and Journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison had to say:
Greg Lukianoff’s Unlearning Liberty is destined to be a classic work on freedom in America. His beautifully written account—as riveting as it is distressing—covers all areas of higher education, including student orientation, life in the dorms, speech in the public forum, the conduct of student judicial systems, and learning in the classroom. Lukianoff’s findings should occasion a call to metaphorical arms: rather than teaching the lessons of living as free people, American higher education is doing the opposite. It is encouraging students to “unlearn” the liberty that is their constitutional heritage. Those who care about the fate of our republic must read this important book. (Emphasis added.)
If you trust Professor Downs’ judgement—and you should, he’s been a principled defender of free speech as president of the independent “Committee for Academic Freedom and Rights” at UW for years now—this is a book you can’t afford to miss.
The success of this book would shake the higher-education establishment, so don’t hesitate to help out by sharing a link to its Facebook page and preordering a copy for yourself today!